Dave Min Condemns Donald Trump’s Anti-Asian Hate

IRVINE, CA —Earlier tonight, during his speech at the Republican National Convention accepting the Republican Party’s nomination as its presidential candidate, Donald Trump once again referred to COVID-19 as the “China Virus.” His previous comments to this effect, when he served as President of the United States, led to a massive surge in anti-Asian hate incidents around the country. California State Senator Dave Min, who is running for California’s 47th Congressional District, issued the following statement condemning Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric.

“Donald Trump’s comments tonight were a stark reminder of his record of inciting hate against women and minorities, including the epidemic of anti-Asian hate he unleashed during the COVID-19 pandemic by repeatedly referring to COVID as the “China Virus” and demonizing Asian Americans around the country,” said State Senator Dave Min. “If Donald Trump is elected again to the White House, Asian Americans will be among the many who will suffer overt hate and violence because of Trump’s irresponsible and racist words and actions.”


California’s 47th is an open DCCC Red To Blue Congressional District in Orange County that includes the Cities of Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Seal Beach, and portions of Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Woods. Incumbent Democratic Representative Katie Porter is not running for re-election. In 2022, Porter defeated former Assemblymember Republican Scott Baugh by 3.44% in this “toss up” district. State Senator Dave Min currently represents over 80% of Congressional District 47 in Sacramento. In 2020, Min received over 158,000 votes within CA-47, defeating incumbent John Moorlach by 5.15% in this area. 19% of the registered voters in CA-47 are of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, including one of the largest Korean-American populations in the country. 


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