Min’s Statement on Taiwan

Donald Trump’s recent statements—in which he refused to answer the question of whether the United States would defend Taiwan from attack if he was President and instead stated that “Taiwan should pay us for defense”—are not only a departure from longstanding US policy, but are effectively an open invitation to the People’s Republic of China to invade Taiwan and potentially cause another World War.

The major lesson we should take away from Donald Trump’s first term is that unclear commitments to our allies will lead to war. Trump’s feckless fealty and submission to Vladimir Putin invited the Russian invasion of Ukraine—and the many horrific war crimes that have accompanied that conflict. We must not allow Trump to double down on undermining our commitments to our free and democratic allies as they stand against authoritarian and communist regimes. I stand with Taiwan and if elected to Congress, I will strive to ensure that we reaffirm our commitment to defend Taiwan and support the Taiwanese people. 

As the son of immigrants who grew up during the Korean War, I know firsthand the importance of democracy and freedom. My parents never would have had the opportunities they have had if they had grown up in a communist society. That is why I am committed to standing strong against the Chinese Communist Party and its efforts to try to isolate Taiwan.

Taiwan is a key democratic ally to the United States and crucial for our efforts to maintain stability and peace in Asia and the Pacific region. The Taiwan Relations Act and Six Assurances are the cornerstones of our strong relationship with Taiwan, and we should do all we can to signal that we will continue to adhere to the tenets of these policies.

We should reject Donald Trump’s feckless and shameful kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party and make clear that we stand strong with Taiwan. This is not a partisan issue but a matter of core American values. We should defend democracy and freedom around the world, just as we did in World War II and Korea.


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