Firefighters Endorse Senator Min

IRVINE, CA — Today, Dave Min for Congress announced the support of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) and its Local Union 3631, completing the clean sweep of public safety organizations in this race for Min, who has been a strong supporter of law enforcement and fire prevention during his time in the State Senate. Notably, Senator Min secured nearly $17 million for Orange County firefighters and facilities during his term. 

"Dave Min has fought for public safety his whole career. As a State Senator, he's worked tirelessly to keep Orange County's families safe, and will continue that work in Washington."

- Frank Líma, IAFF General Secretary Treasurer

"Dave Min has consistently prioritized public safety and the investments in wildfire prevention and response we need to keep Californians safe. Dave Min stands with first responders, which is why the 350,000 men and women with IAFF stand with him."

- Chris Hamm, President, Orange County Professional Firefighters Local 3631

This announcement marks Min as the unanimous choice of police, teachers, and firefighters, who previously announced the endorsements of the Police Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), which represents police in all of the city police departments in CA-47, the Fraternal Order of Police (California Lodge), the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the California Teachers Association (and its national counterpart the National Education Association), and the California Federation of Teachers (and its national counterpart the American Federation of Teachers). 

Min has assembled an impressive coalition of support. In addition to being on the DCCC’s Red to Blue List of priority challengers for the House, Senator Min is endorsed by outgoing Rep. Katie Porter and over 50 local elected officials. He is the consensus choice of Organized Labor, with major endorsements including SEIU, AFSCME, Teamsters, AFL-CIO, and the California Labor Federation. A full endorsement list is available here


California’s 47th is an open DCCC Red To Blue Congressional District in Orange County that includes the Cities of Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Seal Beach, and portions of Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Woods. Incumbent Democratic Representative Katie Porter is not running for re-election. In 2022, Porter defeated former Assemblymember Republican Scott Baugh by 3.44% in this “toss up” district. State Senator Dave Min currently represents over 80% of Congressional District 47 in Sacramento. In 2020, Min received over 158,000 votes within CA-47, defeating incumbent John Moorlach by 5.15% in this area. 19% of the registered voters in CA-47 are of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, including one of the largest Korean-American populations in the country.


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ICYMI: Los Angeles Times Endorses Dave Min