Voters Reminded that Scott Baugh Seeks Nationwide Ban on Abortion and IVF on the Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision

IRVINE, CA — June 24th marks the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade – ripping away the federal constitutional right to abortion, a right Americans held for nearly fifty years. Since then, House Republicans have continued to advance their ultimate goal of a national abortion ban, criminalizing birth control, and ending access to fertility treatments like IVF for people wanting to start or grow their families. 

Meanwhile, Republican Scott Baugh supports a complete ban on abortion and is working to make it illegal for women to have an abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest or to save a woman’s life. Baugh even supported punishing doctors and gave tens of thousands of dollars to politicians trying to pass a bill that would essentially ban IVF and could threaten access to birth control. Baugh would put the government, not doctors, in charge of women’s medical decisions.

“The Dobbs decision represents the worst of today’s Republican Party: it’s a blatant attempt to control women, enforced by a politically motivated Supreme Court,” said State Senator Dave Min, the Democratic nominee in CA-47. “In contrast, I co-authored California’s constitutional amendment that enshrined protections for reproductive freedom, including abortion care and contraception, authored the first-in-the-world law on reproductive coercion, and have a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood.” “The MAGA movement is not your parents’ GOP. Trump, Scott Baugh, and their allies are more concerned with control than freedom. We need to enshrine reproductive and contraceptive freedom in our Constitution, reign in the Supreme Court, and keep Scott Baugh far away from Washington.” 

By contrast, Baugh opposes abortion, with no exception for rape or incest, has long opposed marriage equality, and refuses to acknowledge the results of the 2020 presidential election as legitimate. He recently described the unanimous verdict of a jury made up of 12 average Americans finding Trump guilty of 34 felony convictions as a “political persecution.” Baugh has a checkered past that is out of touch with the district’s values. In 1996, Baugh faced more than 20 criminal charges, including four felonies, for violating campaign finance laws, perjury, and related charges. He also chaired the Orange County Republican Party even as they ran a fraudulent voter registration fiasco that resulted in 12 felony arrests. Baugh is not just mirroring Donald Trump on felony counts, but has also matched Trump on his extreme MAGA agenda.


California’s 47th is an open Congressional District in Orange County that includes the Cities of Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Seal Beach, and portions of Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Woods. Incumbent Katie Porter is vacating the seat to run for U.S. Senate. In 2022, Porter defeated former Assemblymember Republican Scott Baugh by 3.44% in this “toss-up” district. State Senator Dave Min currently represents over 80% of Congressional District 47 in Sacramento. In 2020, Min received over 158,000 votes within CA-47, defeating incumbent John Moorlach by 5.15% in this area. 19% of the registered voters in CA-47 are of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, including one of the largest Korean-American populations in the country. 


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